Domestic violence is a phenomenon that has a drastic effect on an individual’s life. While domestic violence was once thought of as a micro-issue, current statistics reflect otherwise. According to the Center for Social Justice, 1.6 million female and 757,000 male survivors reported abuse during the beginning of the pandemic.
Regardless of when a survivor broke free from their perpetrator, the process of starting a new life is daunting, to say the least. Survivors often struggle with financial stability, their mental health, maintaining a support network, etc. Agencies that support domestic violence victims often exclude male survivors. Not because agencies do not believe the victim, but because funding was never set aside for male survivors.
In this article, we will discuss four key resources that can support a domestic violence survivor in this time of transition. These resources include (1) hotlines, (2) safety houses, (3) financial assistance programs, and (4) counselling.
Hotlines is a toll-free phone service that allows individuals to call a professional whenever they are in crisis. These professionals can provide immediate support and resources for individuals. Some hotlines are open 24/7, while others are open for a specific period of time.
Luckily, the National Domestic Violence Hotline has a 24/7 hotline that can provide support via call, text, or chat service on its main website. These multiple options allow survivors to communicate in whatever way feels most comfortable to them. So, if a survivor is not ready to discuss the abuse, they can maintain their composure through text or the chat service.
Additionally, Enhanced Konnect Services (previously known as ‘Konnect Services’) provides an emotional support hotline (704-526-7863) that is open Monday–Saturday from 8 a.m.–8 p.m. EST. Survivors could prefer this hotline if they would like support partners that are closer to their home area or if they would like to speak to someone quicker than the average hotline wait time.
Safety Houses
Safety is the #1 priority when we are discussing domestic violence survivors. Thus, safety houses and shelters have become a safe haven for those first leaving an abusive relationship. This resource not only brings peace of mind to a survivor but other resources such as legal aid and therapy are also provided at the same time.
In North Carolina, there are many resources that can help connect domestic violence survivors to emergency shelters. Enhanced Konnect Services’ hotline is one way to talk to a certified coach who can guide one through this process. On the other hand, InterACT is another amazing organization that provides hotlines, emergency shelters, resources, and court advocacy services for those experiencing domestic violence in Wake County.
Financial assistance programs
Financial constraints are one of the many reasons an individual may not leave an abusive relationship. Some statistics note that up to 98% of domestic violence survivors stay in relationships due to finances.
One of the best resources that can provide individual financial assistance in a domestic violence situation is the National Domestic Violence Hotline. This organization offers emergency funding, can direct one to immediate housing, and can get one in touch with authorities if one is in danger.
Additionally, if a survivor is Native American, there is a hotline made for this population. Known as StrongHearts, this hotline provides 24/7 resources and counselling to Native American individuals in abusive relationships.
In an abusive relationship, a domestic violence survivor will be put through many emotional, psychological, financial, and physical obstacles. It is not enough for us to say, “You’re out of it [the abusive relationship], so you should be fine.” Counselling can provide the bridge needed to learn how to cope with the impact of an abusive relationship, move forward, and reach independence.
While counselling can be costly, Enhanced Konnect Services can provide a stepping stone to learning more about the abuse one suffered. Our Advanced Cognitive Behavior Coaching services provide survivors with the space to talk openly about their experiences and give them a path to personal and professional success.
Take the necessary steps today!
At Enhanced Konnect Services, we understand that leaving an abusive relationship does not happen in an instant. It can be hard to find out who, where, and what to do after a survivor ends an abusive relationship.
If you or a loved one is in an abusive relationship, do not hesitate to call Enhanced Konnect Services for resources. Our dedicated team of coaches and case managers will be by your side to ensure you can cope with the traumatic situation and find a new purpose in your life.
Click ‘Contact Us’ and start the journey to freedom today!